It is expected that PayPal will announce the winner of the Developer Challenge at the end of this month. Winner will be awarded with $50,000 with another %50,000 cash back on all the transactions that he makes during the present year. Runner ups will be given cash back of $10,000 for making the best Android or iOS PayPal app.
This new software application will consist of a variety of new and exciting features like food application known as OrderMapper and iConcessionStand. To lend money to your friend there is an application named as LendFriend, EBay loan application known as Kabbage. Rfinity, Smartmarket, and ShareADeal, will allow you to make and receive payments. As for the entertainment application you have legal gambling application which is BetmeBig.
Some of the applications are available in the market by now. You may download them from iTunes store and Android Market.
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